Sistema ta 'Kamera ta' Attrazzjoni għal Roller Coaster, Waterslides, Qbid tar-Ritratti Zip lines

Sistema ta 'Kamera ta' Attrazzjoni għal Roller Coaster, Waterslides, Qbid tar-Ritratti Zip lines

Is-sistema tal-qbid tar-ritratti tar-roller coaster Qrel hija teknoloġija użata fil-parks tad-divertiment biex jaqbdu ritratti tar-rikkieba waqt li jkunu fuq roller coaster. Is-sistema tipikament tikkonsisti minn kameras imqiegħda strateġikament tul il-binarju tar-roller coaster, li huma attivati ​​biex jieħdu ritratti tar-rikkieba f'punti speċifiċi matul ir-rikba. Ir-ritratti mbagħad isiru disponibbli għax-xiri lir-rikkieba bħala tifkira tal-esperjenza tagħhom. Xi sistemi ta 'qbid tar-ritratti tar-roller coaster jinkludu wkoll kapaċitajiet ta' reġistrazzjoni bil-vidjo, li tippermetti lir-rikkieba iħallsu għar-ritratt jew iniżżlu vidjo tal-esperjenza kollha tagħhom ta' rikba.

  • deskrizzjoni
  • inkjesta

What is the rolloer coaster photo capture system include?

The roller coaster photo capture system typically includes the following components:

1. Cameras: High-speed cameras are strategically placed at various points along the roller coaster track to capture images of riders.

2. dawl: Specialized lighting is used to ensure that the images captured are clear and of high quality, even in low light conditions.

3. Triggering mechanism: A triggering mechanism is used to activate the cameras at the right time, typically when the roller coaster reaches a specific point on the track.

4. Image processing software: The images captured by the cameras are processed using specialized software to enhance their quality and clarity.

5. Photo printing and sales system: Once the images are processed, they can be printed and sold to riders as souvenirs. This system includes photo printers, kiosks, and payment processing software.


mudell: Single Point Roller Coaster Capture System
Component: 1 camera control terminal + 1 Touch screen operation terminal + 1 photo printer
Funzjonijiet software: Auto Capture, Customized Template of photo, GIF digital copy, Self-service payment.
camera: Canon DSLR Camera
printer: Photo Printer professjonali (Sublimazzjoni taż-Żebgħa Printer)

kapaċità: 500pcs / tagħbija

stampar veloċità: 12i / immaġni

Disponibbli Daqs Ritratt: 4”*6”, 5”*7”, 6”*8”

Payment Support Coin + Banknote
Servizz ta' Għażla: 1. Multi Terminal Management

2. Camera Management

3. Printer empty reminder

4. Digital copy downloads

5. Auto business report

vultaġġ: 110-240V, 50-60HZ
ippakkjar: injam Każ / titjira Kawża
garanzija: 12 months

Features of roller coaster camera systems:

1. Camera and capture system Auto self-test function:

The cameras may malfunction or get damaged due to weather, vandalism, or mechanical issues. This can result in poor image quality, missing or corrupted files, or no photos at all. The cameras need regular maintenance and inspection to ensure they are working properly and securely. Our Capture system will automatically performs a self-test before each start-up. This will reduce a lot of maintenance work and maintenance costs, especially some shooting points installed in high positions or dangerous locations will greatly reduce the risk of work.

2. Payment Terminal self-test function:

The payment system will automatically checking the payment terminal hardwares before each start-up. Avoid payment issues at the payment stage that cause customers to cancel their orders.

3. Customized Frame and Watermark of Capture Time:

You can customize the Frames on photo by yourself. And the capture date and text can be auto added on the frame of photo. You can select in software setting if they need to show on the photo.

4. Photo Checking System:

You can select the photos on the printing terminal according the time range. It will auto delete the photos according the keeping time in setting.

7. Email System:

It can send digital copy and Printer empty reminder, business report via email. To reduce the staff work, and easier management.

5. Printer Empty Reminder:

The system will notify the worker or staff by email if the printer is running out of paper. This reduces the workload of staff and enables more efficient management of multiple machines.

6. Business report system:

It will auto actively generate excel files send by email, you can set the sending frequency and time in program. You can better understand the operation status of the machine and make timely operational adjustments. Enabling machines to generate maximum operating efficiency. Be able to recoup your investment earlier and get more profit.

7. Receipt Printing System:

Because different cournty have different law requirements. Some local law ask for invoice or receipt to customer when they paid. It will auto printing the invoice or receipt after payment. It will show customer company information and tax information on it.

How Does It Work?

1. Schematic diagram of the roller coaster capture system

2. System Operation Description (Server Version)

3. Software Setting Interfaces

Capture unforgettable moments of guests on roller coasters, waterslides, zip lines, and more with Qrel’s high-speed photo capture system.