zdaj, Naša nova spletna stran je končana!

Spoštovani kupci:

Now our new website www.social-photo-booth.com has completed! Upam, da vam je všeč.

Ker vedno več in več mobilnih terminalov dostop do naše spletne strani, ampak naša prvotna spletna stran ni prijazna dovolj mobilnih terminalov strankam dostop. Da bi bolje zagotovili doživeli naše izdelke in storitve za naše stranke, we re-upgraded the official website. Because a lot of old information can not be saved, they will be delete. And we will also to delete some of old products information and to upgrade some new models. You can visit our product catalog to know more about them.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the new website update. Hope that the new website can give you a better service and using experience. Any questions and suggestions, please send feedback to us in our website.

Thanks for your assistance and understanding.